buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Test Lab | Interactive Demo Site style.css header class hero-section nav class main-nav div Test Lab class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Features href #features a Demo href #demo a Contact href #contact class cta-button main section id home class showcase h1 Welcome to Test Lab p Experience the power of modern web development button Get Started class primary-button onclick showDemo() section id features class feature-grid div class feature-card h3 Responsive p Perfectly adapts to any screen size div 📱 class icon div class feature-card h3 Fast p Lightning-quick performance div ⚡ class icon div class feature-card h3 Secure p Built with security in mind div 🔒 class icon div class feature-card h3 Modern p Using latest web standards div 🚀 class icon section id demo class interactive-demo h2 Interactive Demo div class demo-container div class demo-controls button Try Me onclick toggleDemo() div class demo-output p Click the button to see magic happen! section id contact class contact-section h2 Get in Touch form class contact-form input type text placeholder Your Name input type email placeholder Your Email textarea placeholder Your Message button Submit type submit class submit-button footer class footer-main div class footer-content div class footer-links a Terms href /terms a Privacy href /privacy a About href /about p Made with dedication by the Test Lab team script.js